Michelle and Barack share their 20th wedding anniversary with the world on Twitter - Tonight sees the first debate of the 2012 presidential election - but that is not only reason that this is a special day for Barack Obama.
October 3rd is the 20th anniversary of his wedding to Michelle, and despite the distraction of his re-election campaign the President did not forget to acknowledge the significance of the date.
Both Obamas took to Twitter to send each other celebratory greetings, and Barack also tweeted a photograph of the young couple on their wedding day in 2002.
Wedding day: The Obamas posted this photograph on social media to celebrate their 20th anniversary
Tribute: The President tweeted this saccharine message to his wife while preparing for tonight's debate
Reply: The First Lady echoed her husband's romantic sentiments in her own romantic tweet
The President wrote: 'Twenty years ago today, I married the love of my life and my best friend. Happy anniversary, Michelle.'
Mrs Obama replied: 'Happy 20th anniversary, Barack. Thank you for being an incredible partner, friend, and father every day. I love you!'
The picture of the couple in their smart wedding outfits was sent out by the President with the caption 'Twenty years together'.
The Obamas have also opened up to Oprah Winfrey to reveal how they have kept so close despite the pressure of life in the political spotlight.
'When you're under all of these pressures, to come home every single night... and have Michelle and the girls there... they are my balance and keep me grounded, and that's truer now than it's ever been,' the President said in an interview which will appear in O magazine next week.
Speech: Mrs Obama spent part of her anniversary talking to supporters at the University of Nevada in Reno
Campaigner: The First Lady has been central to her husband's re-election efforts this year
Support: Mrs Obama's speech was made before a partisan crowd in the desert swing state
Crowd: The First Lady has been quick to exploit her popularity relative to that of her husband
Mr Obama and the First Lady have repeatedly used talk-show and magazine interviews to tell the story of how they first got together in 1989.
And the couple seem to have become even keener to shine light on their personal life this year in the run-up to November's presidential election.
The latest over-sharing came as Mrs Obama appeared on Steve Harvey's syndicated talk show.
She described how the future President, who worked with her at a Chicago law firm, took her for ice cream at Baskin-Robbins, which happened to be where he had had his first job.
After they picked up their snacks, she said, 'We sat on the kerb, we just talked... we were talking and eating and laughing, and he leaned over and he asked me could he kiss me - and I said "Yes!"'
Interview: The Obamas opened up about their marriage in a forthcoming interview with Oprah Winfrey
Revelation: Michelle Obama talked about her first kiss with Barack again this week
Chat: The repetitive account came during an interview with Steve Harvey on his syndicated talk show
The anecdote may be romantic - but it is hardly unfamiliar to voters, having been recounted in numerous interviews over the past few years.
Just last week, the couple told the familiar story to the hosts of The View - holding hands with each other all the while.
In fact, the tale is so well-known that the site of the Baskin-Robbins where the Obamas' first date took place now boasts a plaque marking the occasion.
The plaque reads, 'On this site, President Barack Obama first kissed Michelle Obama,' and has a picture of the couple.
Over-sharing? The First Couple held hands as they appeared on The View last week
Kissing plaque: A 3,000-pound granite marker has been erected in Chicago to commemorate where the President first kissed Michelle in 1989
It also features a quote from Mr Obama dating back to perhaps the first time the anecdote was told publicly, in O magazine in February 2007.
The Illinois senator who was about to launch his presidential campaign told the publication: 'On our first date, I treated her to the finest ice cream Baskin-Robbins had to offer, our dinner table doubling as the curb.
'I kissed her, and it tasted like chocolate.'
Ironically, the branch of the ice cream shop which the Obamas visited was apparently once owned by Bain Capital, the private-equity firm founded by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
On the trail: Mr and Mrs Obama campaigning together in Iowa City last month
Passion: September was a big month for the couple, as it included the Democratic National Convention, right
Caught on camera: The First Couple were on the Kiss Cam at Washington's Verizon Center this July
The President has openly used the tale of his first date with Michelle as part of his re-election campaign, most notably in June when he released a video featuring the couple reminiscing about that fateful day.
That YouTube clip showed the Obamas describing their trip to the Art Institute of Chicago, followed by a screening of Spike Lee's film Do the Right Thing.
The video ends with the President saying, 'Take tips, gentlemen,' followed by an appeal for campaign donations.
Of course, the Obamas are hardly the first political couple to flaunt their relationship to win votes - the on-stage kiss has long been a staple of party conventions and campaign speeches.
But with the First Lady's approval ratings up to 20 points higher than her husband's, the current President may be particularly to involve his spouse in his re-election campaign. ( dailymail.co.uk )
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