Obama bows to pressure and shows original birth certificate - President Barack Obama today finally caved to pressure and revealed his original birth certificate.
The White House hopes the move, which comes after months of speculation, will be a final blow to the so-called 'birther' movement which maintains the President was not born in Hawaii.
But the delay in releasing the document will be seen by Obama's detractors as a sign of weakness and leave the President open to accusations that the move should have been made earlier.
Proof: The birth certificate, confirming the President was born in the U.S.
Loggerheads: Entrepreneur Donald Trump's birther campaign received a boost, when a poll revealed just 38 per cent of Americans saying they are sure President Barack Obama was born on U.S. soil
The news comes just days after a poll revealed only 38 per cent of Americans believe Obama was born in the U.S. and is eligible to hold office.
The release of the document will also be a blow to outspoken property tycoon Donald Trump, who has played heavily on the issue of the President's birth.
Proof? CNN spoke to friends of Mr Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, who say they remember the president being born
The 64-year-old also suggested in an interview that President Barack Obama was a poor student who did not deserve to be admitted into the Ivy League universities he attended.
His high-profile allegations about the president's origins appear to have gained traction with voters, with 38 per cent saying they are not convinced he was born in America, according to the USA Today-commissioned poll.
The news comes as the birther campaign was seriously undermined by an in-depth CNN investigation, which appeared to offer final proof the president was born in Hawaii.
Interviewers travelled to Hawaii, where they spoke to Dr Chiyome Fukino, a former director of the state's Department of Health - and staunch Republican.
In her first TV interview, she said she has seen the long-form version of his birth certificate in the department's vaults and has 'no doubt' Mr Obama was born in the state.
She said the certificate is 'absolutely authentic... he was absolutely born here in the state of Hawaii.' ( dailymail.co.uk )
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