Lindsay Lohan sobs as judge sentences her to 90 days in jail. Lindsay Lohan broke down in tears as she was sentenced to 90 days in jail after violating her probation.
The stunned actress sobbed as the Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel handed down the term and blasted her for not taking her probation in two 2007 drink-driving cases seriously.
Lohan, who will start her sentence on July 20, must also serve 90 days as an in-patient on a substance abuse programme once she is released from jail.
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Tears: Lindsay Lohan, pictured yesterday with her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley, sobbed as she was sentenced to 90 days in jail
Breaking down: The star was stunned after she was given the prison term
The actress had tearfully addressed the judge in a last attempt to avoid jail after it was ruled she violated her probation by repeatedly missing court-ordered alcohol education classes.
Lohan protested she did not realise she had not been keeping up with the order and insisted a busy work schedule had stopped her attending regularly.
She maintained: 'I was taking it seriously. I wasn't expecting any special treatment.'
'I'm not taking this as a joke. It's my life and my career, something I have worked for my entire life.'
'There are no excuses': Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel didn't show the actress any leniency
She was handed a box of tissues to wipe her eyes as the tears flowed.
Lohan told the judge: 'I have tried to do the best I can. It's just been such a long haul. I don't want you to think I don't respect you and your terms.
'I really did think I was doing what I was supposed to do, and I mean it with all my heart.'
But the judge was insistent, saying: 'I couldn't have been more clear [about my orders]. There are no excuses.'
Grovelling: Lindsay made a desperate plea to the judge before her sentencing
The Beverly Hills court heard Lohan repeatedly missed once-weekly classes at an alcohol-education programme.
Lohan had failed to attend the course at least nine times since October 16, the court heard.
Her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley claimed Lohan had done well by meeting the overall terms of her probation.
Hiding from the cameras: Lohan shielded her face behind court notes
She urged the judge not to punish Lohan too severely because she 'did the best she could under extremely difficult circumstances'.
Lohan was on probation after two DUI offences in less than two months in 2007.
On May 26, 2007, the actress was in a Mercedes-Benz that crashed into a hedge along Sunset Boulevard.
Less than two months later she was arrested in Santa Monica on suspicion of drink-driving.
Two weeks of freedom: Lindsay, who swapped her outfit half way through proceedings, will start her sentence on July 20
Lohan later pleaded no contest to two counts each of drunken driving and being under the influence of cocaine, and one count of reckless driving.
She spent 84 minutes in jail and was placed on three years probation.
Lohan's probation was extended for a year in October after she missed some alcohol-education classes while making a movie in Texas.
In May she failed to show up for a court hearing because she was at the Cannes Film Festival.
Her legal team claimed she was stranded in France after her passport was stolen.
Hand in hand: The Mean Girls star clutched her younger sister Ali's hand as they left court crying
Wiping away tears: Michael Lohan attended the hearing, but his ex-wife and Lindsay's mother Dina did not
Lohan eventually made it to court four days late, when she was ordered to wear a Scram alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet as a condition of her release on bail pending today's probation hearing.
Rumoured new girlfriend: Eilat Anschel, who is said to be dating the star, leaves the court
She was also ordered to undergo random drug testing, among other conditions.
On June 6 the bracelet indicated Lohan may have violated her bail by consuming alcohol after the MTV Movie Awards.
The judge doubled Lohan's bail and the actress posted a bond with the court, allowing her to remain out of custody.
At today's hearing, Revel did not consider the Scram anklet as part of her determination of whether Lohan violated probation.
The judge conceded Lohan was ordered to wear the device as a condition of her bail when she appeared in court in May, not when she was placed on probation.
Lohan was ordered to continue wearing the Scram until she reports to jail.
She was sentenced to 30 days in jail for the reckless driving case, 30 days consecutive for the first DUI case and another 30 days consecutive for the second drink-driving case.
Lohan must not drink any alcohol as a condition of her continuing probation.
Her father Michael and sister Ali were both in the court.
And her rumoured new girlfriend Eilat Anschel, who recently completed a mandatory stretch in the Israeli Army, was also spotted by onlookers.
Her mother Dina was not believed to be in attendance.
Actor Danny DeVito was also at the Beverly Hills courthouse today.
But unlike the others, he was not there for moral support.
A spokesperson for the Twins actor told Mail Online he had been called for jury duty on a separate case. ( )
More moral support for Lindsay? Actor Danny DeVito was also at the Beverly Hills courthouse today... but it turns out he was serving jury duty on a separate case
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